Schlagwort-Archive: Zoologie

Spezialveranstaltung BioTaxSyst Helminthen (11.-15.9.2017)

Spezialveranstaltung BioTaxSyst zur genaueren Beschäftigung mit Helminthen, in Kooperation von NHM Wien und Vetmeduni Wien und ZooBot
am September 11-15, 2017, 1 week full-time.

Maximum number of participants: 20, incl. 5 EVPC Residents
Costs for consumables: € 150,-/participant

Course language: English
Experts involved: Prof. Joachim (Vetmeduni), Dr. Sattmann (NHM), Dr. Duscher (Vetmeduni), Dr. Konecny (Umweltbundesamt), Dr. Führer (Vetmeduni), Mag. Hörweg (NHM), Dr. Hinney (Vetmeduni)

Who can participate? Students of biology, veterinary medicine or related subjects, as well as Residents of the EVPC.

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