Schlagwort-Archive: NASSTEC

NASSTEC- International conference 25-29 september 2017, London


NASSTEC (NAtive Seed Science, TEchnology and Conservation Initial Training Network) is a project under the EU FP7 People-Work Programme. NASSTEC has been training 11 Early Stage Researchers and 1 Experienced Researcher in native seed science, conservation and use, so that environmental mitigation and adaptation projects can have increased impact. Without immediate enhancement of capacity and capability in this specific area of biodiversity science, the native seed industry in Europe will fail to develop towards the multi-million dollar markets of the US and Australia. NASSTEC has been interconnecting the public and private sector through the establishment of a multidisciplinary European doctoral ‘school’ so as to integrate knowledge in plant ecology, genetics, molecular biology, taxonomy, ecology, conservation, seed biology, environmental science, agricultural botany, crop science, breeding and horticulture. This knowledge is being transferred to industry, thereby contributing to the EU bio-economy. This international conference provides an opportunity to share knowledge on all aspects of seed biology to the benefit of science, technology and industry, in Europe and beyond.

Date: 25th – 29th september
Location: Jodrell Laboratory Lecture Theatre, Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
1. Global perspective on seed quality for grassland restoration
2. Field-based plant and seed ecology
3. Seed characterisation – germination and storage
4. Production
5. Policy, certification and quality assurance
Registration: for free, until end of August
further information and programme: